Oltre 10.000 Clienti Soddisfatti
The dosing units we produce are suitable for volumetric, pneumatic and electronic filling of powder, dense and semi-dense products.
Learn moreThe capping systems we propose are appropriate for each type of closure: screw caps snap or twist off.
Learn moreOur devices for labeling meet any requirements. Applications can be on top, on bottom, front/back, wrap around, Print & Apply, security seal, etc
Learn moreAutomatic high-performance packaging systems. Linear modules or rotary monoblocks, built on the basis of specific customer needs.
Learn moreVertical VFFS, horizontal HFFS, and doypack machines: high-efficiency lines for flexible primary packaging.
Learn moreMonoblocks, in-line systems, or semi-automatic machines for precise dosing of powders and granules.
Learn moreCongratulations to all the staff of PMR Group SRL. We were followed in all areas concerning our project. Both commercially and in the planning and production level, nothing has been left to chance. And since you installed the new packaging line our profitability is substantially doubled with great satisfaction of our customers. Again, congratulations.
VincenzaIt is my concern to thank you for the attention with which PMR Group SRL followed our project. I really enjoyed your work and, following the successful conclusion of these first machines, I’m really interested in several other projects of which we have discussed this period. The spirit of corporate established between our compares is undoubtedly a good omen for the future. Thank you, my kindest regards.
BeneventoWe felt very comfortable with you and your assistance: we are very satisfied with the speed and advice of your technician.
ParmaThanks for the welcome. I found a responsive and very friendly company. YOur plants are well designed and competitive, commercially speaking. We will purchase from you again in the future.
Frederic M
FranceWe are very satisfied with PMR products, they are really of high quality and with good quality/price ratio.
Germany"You convinced us. And it was not easy considering that for years we addressed to the usual suppliers. But the project you manufactured for dosing and packaging our entire range of products prompted us to change, although nothing was taken for granted. But after weeks of work at full capacity we can be satisfied and congratulate with PMR sr for all technical innovations introduced in our company by increasing the overall potentialities".
VeronaI am very satisfied with the purchase and the attention received
MacerataThe professionalism and the accuracy with the various PMR GROUP solutions bought from us in these years of collaboration demonstrate how your company has now reached levels of excellence such as to accept any design challenge becoming, therefore, a model for technological innovation.
BolognaTHe assistance received by Andrea is, as always, absolutely decisive thanks to his great availability and his specific skills that make him a truly complete technician and a point of reference for the customer.
Turin"Following your brilliant technical intervention of the last weeks we wanted to express our thanks. Punctual, precise, fast: your Assistance Division has fully confirmed the expectations positively solving our technical difficult management problem. The preparation of the PM technicians has overcome an important challenge without hesitation. Great".
VaresePMR SYSTEM GROUP dal 1971 progetta, costruisce e vende etichettatrici industriali e impianti di riempimento e tappatura.
L’esperienza, la conoscenza e le capacità dei nostri preziosi progettisti, tecnici e collaudatori presenti in sede, è a disposizione dei clienti per offrire sempre la soluzione migliore.
La visione di PMR è costruire soluzioni che aiutino le aziende ad essere maggiormente tecnologiche e performanti, rendendo accessibili le automazioni a molti, attraverso un ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo.